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Mission Statement

At LK Nutrition, we value inclusivity, diversity, accessibility, collaboration and ethical care.


We recognize that our eating behaviors and attitudes towards our bodies don't occur in a vacuum. We believe it's crucial to acknowledge how systems of oppression impact individual relationships with food, and overall well-being. 


We are committed to anti-racism. 

nutritionist of color nyc

We are dedicated to doing our own work to continuously stay aware of and challenge the ways in which privilege and power show up in our practice, as well as the larger fields of nutrition, eating disorders and mental health. 

We celebrate body diversity, support the fat liberation movement, and respect the ever-changing nature of the human form. 

We strive to maintain an atmosphere that affirms our clients' diverse lived experiences and identities, including race, sexual orientation, gender, culture, ethnicity, age, ability, class, immigration status, and religion, as well as body shape and size.

We seek to stay curious about the unique lived experiences of our clients, and approach each individual with cultural humility and respect

We are committed to taking responsibility for our mistakes, learning, and growing from them. 

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